March 2, 2013
JJ Cox brings us Butch Mystique
I have photographed JJ Cox many times over the years, but not once has it been in a one on one off stage setting until now. I am a huge fan of hers, some of my favorite drag performances have been hers… especially when she teams up with my good friend and lovely lady Ginger Jones!
She is exploring femininity in new was with Butch Mystique, and I was honored to be chosen to be the photographer to help her try and capture the essence of what she is trying to express. I will not pretend to know the complete ins and outs of what she is going for, but there is plenty of it here! To make a much deeper story short and easy – butch is still feminine.
I was so happy she came to me with this, as I get far to few butch girls in front of my lens. Let this be a reminder ladies – I am at your disposal whether you are a “skirt” or not! As made apparent here, a butch girl can put on the hot just as well as the most sultry of femmes
May 29, 2011
Royal Renegades – No Business Like Show Business Promos
Another promotional shoot with The Royal Renegades
I have to point out, this was during a VERY COLD spell in the winter I believe it was -10 degrees while we shot (literally!!!) but the Renegades still gave fantastic energy and face!
Royal Renegades – Viewer Discretion Advised Promo Shoot
The Royal Renegades call on me when they have a big show coming up, and we get to have a great time creating shots for their promotional materials. Never a dull moment on a Renegades shoot set!
Shot at Wall Street Nightclub.
We may or may not have been reprimanded by the building management at the downtown YMCA for tampering with the fire escape…
Are you a provocative performance artist in need of photos for your promotional materials? Check out Le Professional sessions. Need to be caught in action? I also photograph provocative events!
Cool Ethan
A member of my favorite drag troupe The Royal Renegades, Cool Ethan was definitely working his swagger for this shoot!
Are you a gender bending drag superstar in need of great promotional photography? Check out Le Professional for session information!