May 16, 2013
Fierce Festival 2013 – Axis 2
Allix Mortis serving splendid androgyny
Champagne Shock and The Shockettes rocked my world! The reveal was so great!
OK this is one of my BFFs Trevor with Nina here… about to have a drinking contest. I thought Trevor actually had a shot. No. If there were an award for chugging malt beverages Nina West would have it. Whoa!
Seriously one gulp… and one more it was gone. =O
Our headliner The Godfather of Boylesque himself, Tigger!
Oh my!
This one makes me smile
Gendeara Faulker LOVES her some cake!
I just LOVE everything about this look I want that blouse
Strip Pokeher has some cake with Nina
More more more Fierce through the link below!
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