June 2, 2011
A Viva Valezz! production at Wall Street, this was a glamtastic burlesque and drag performance extravaganza! Glitter was definitely an appropriate name!
Bohemian Rhapsody! I loved it so much!
I am more of a brunette person, but Clams Casino was one hot blond!
Ginger Jones is always red hot. I really love the one on the left!
I have no idea but I loved it!
Killer Queen!
Noka in one of the most daring reveals ever performed. Look at that tuck! WORK!
Brett Morehead gets the codpiece of the year award!
Spoken word that was smoldering. I believe it was called “Do You Want To Touch?” and she did it perfectly! Get down curvy girl! Work it!
Oh my gosh the Bronutz! This performance was fantastic, I nearly fell out of my chair! They performed to Love Gun
Wardrobe malfunctions abound at Glitter – but those girls don’t miss a beat she just said “give it up!” and kept on going!
Bossy Grrl always takes the best photos. By the way she can sing!
The Ooh La La’s
Erotic N Roll
Erotic N’ Roll at Skully’s. I wasn’t there professionally, just took my camera along for the show. I went to watch the Viva! and the Velvet Hearts performance, of course… but mostly to see Only Flesh because they put on a fantastic show! If you’d like to hear some heavy music and see a stage show like none other you should go and check them out!
For those interested in techie type stuff…
I shot all of these photos at ISO 2500 and I truly have no idea why. I threw them on my drive and didn’t edit them for over two years, I forgot they even existed! I had just gotten the camera, maybe I wanted to see how far I could push the ISO for events and get away with it. They were shot with a Canon 50D with available light only. There was way too much smoke in the place for even fill flash, and there was also a video crew I did not want to hinder.
I actually like the grain!
I adore this photograph. I think it captures an expression of freedom in her face as if she’s the happiest sexy girl in pasties on the planet!
I have to share this… because it makes me smile. That would be my tattoo. I’ve had it for 13 years now, and this is the first time a photo looked like it!
I call this shot 4 bars. Get it?
I really love the visuals from this performance. This shot in particular
Angel? Demon? You decide. I call her angelic. Oddly enough, I think he looks slightly angelic as well. You would see the irony if you could read his belly… I’ll let you imagine what it says. It’s one of my favorite tattoos on another person!
Speaking of the divine, this almost looks like church!
Dr Sketchy’s Columbus
Dr Sketchy’s Anti Art School Columbus is an artist event where hot models pose for your drawing, painting, or photographing pleasure. I was actually working the door for my beautiful BFF and client Viva Valezz! that night but I never leave home without my camera! Here are a few shots of the posing, drawing, and burlesque show afterward! This event was at East Village, which is no longer.
The lovely ladies of The Ooh La La’s are the models.
Look like fun? Check out Dr Sketchy’s Columbus for upcoming events!
OK this is some random guy from the crowd, how awesome is that? Brave soul. There’s nothing like a little crowd interaction!
Dead Divas
This show was thrown by Viva Valezz! at what used to be Liquid but is no longer. I miss that glittery curtain it was such a great backdrop to event photos!
Look at the legs on Pandora Foxx! WORK!
Never a dull moment with Noka in the house! She was Bette Davis I believe poor Surly Manson got rolled off the stage… but she survived!
This is one of my favorite burlesque photos of all time! I was so happy how it turned out! Bossy Grrl!
I have no idea why there is only one photo of this number, but it’s a great one of Brett Morehead getting…well…head!
OK pardon my posting so many of this number, but Lustre was channeling Sammy so well I LOVE the photos!
Now a break for “How Many Places Can Noka Smooch”
One… my husband… caught by surprise bwahaha!
Two… I don’t know what is going on here. But I love the photo!
Four hello hips!
Five Lustre’s got shiny lips…
Six gettin cheeky with Bert
Seven in Viva! boobies heaven!
Eight some JJ Cox sugar!
Nine Le Provocateur makes your tongue wag…
Ten Ginger’s read headed cleavage!
Eleven you are so not fetch betch with Gendala Kelli Anna!